From the "Add Item" menu select “Multiple Choice”.
The Context and Stem
In “Assignment 1” you should write the context and stem
You can use markdown to write the context and stem
Names of data, functions, columns, numeric values etc. should use code format
Never use bold/underline/italic
Use R/Python output to format short tables (no more than 5 lines)
Use schema diagrams to explain SQL data structures
Start a new sentence on a new line, with a blank line between (see example below)
The Options
In “Options 1” include all of the options as a bulleted list
The key should be within square brackets
Use different positions for the key but keep in mind any logical or numerical ordering for options
Code as options should be avoided (try fill-in-the-blanks instead)
If you do use code, it can only be a single line and should be formatted as code
Before saving:
Add a descriptive title - summarise what you are testing e.g. "Calculate probability of an event"
Add your Item Writer ID (we will tell you what your ID is)
Preview the item to make sure it looks as expected
Common Problems
Build/Preview Fails:
Have you remembered to put the key in square brackets? If there is no key defined the item will fail to build.