Step 1: Upload CSV files
Upload one CSV file for every table in your database
Step 2: Create a .sql file
Define the tables that should exist in your database
Make sure the columns match the CSV file, they should be the same names, types and order
Copy the data from the CSVs to the relevant tables
Get the links from the teach assets tab
Download an example: spotify.sql
Step 3: Upload the .sql file
Step 4: Define the database in the requirements file
In the "Settings" tab, go to "Edit requirements"
Add a new block at the end of the file to set up your database (copy/paste and edit one of the existing blocks)
Link to your uploaded .sql file in the wget line
In the first sudo line, update to the name of your database
In the second sudo line:
Update to the name of your database
Update to your .sql file name
Save the requirements
Wait for a successful build
Use your new database in an item
Tip: Try something simple to make sure it is working first