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Slide design features

Learn the features available in DataCamp's slide design and how to use them in your course.

Amy Peterson avatar
Written by Amy Peterson
Updated over a week ago

The slide design has a specific color scheme as well as some slick features that allow more flexibility when designing video exercises. Read on to learn how to include these in your course.

Full-width slides

Enabling full-width slides is limited to admins only. If full-width slides are not currently enabled in your course, contact your CM or CD.

Image resizing

You can resize images within the editor. Image resizing uses a specific Markdown syntax (see below) that requires you to scale the image to resize, i.e., the default image size is 100%, to reduce the image to 50% of its size, add  = 50  to the end of the image's URL within the Markdown. The spaces surrounding the equal sign are required.

![Alternative text](link_to_image = 50)

Code output formatting

Clearly and cleanly separate code input from code output using colored code blocks.

The following syntax highlighting achieves the above results. Notice in the second code block that python is replaced with out. The out formatting works with all technologies (Python, R, SQL, etc.).

# range(start,stop)
nums = range(0,11)
nums_list = list(nums)

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Note: Currently, a line break between the two code blocks is required to gain this functionality. 

Code zoom

So you're missing just a bit of content from your slide? Use the "code zoom" feature to decrease the font size of your code. Code zoom is located below the script field. Note that the default is 100.

Warning: Use code zoom sparingly and conservatively. Using a code zoom below 80 can lead to very small font that will not be easily viewable on a 13" monitor (which our platform targets).

Optional title field

Do you need a bit more space on your slide? Is the slide title redundant information? Is content cut-off? Click on the "Hide title from slide" checkbox below the title field.



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