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Course "Drag and Drop" exercises
Course "Drag and Drop" exercises

Learn about the different types of Drag and Drop exercises.

Amy Peterson avatar
Written by Amy Peterson
Updated over 10 months ago

Drag and Drop exercises allow learners to drag-and-drop items to complete a specified task. This exercise type supports three variants: Classify, Order, and Parsons.


In this variant of the Drag and Drop exercise, learners classify items from a list into two or more groups, by dragging cards from a stack and dropping them onto the correct target zone. For example, this exercise type could be used to ask learners to classify a list of machine learning algorithms into supervised or unsupervised learning.



In this variant, learners order a list of items based on specified criteria, by dragging them and dropping them at the appropriate position. For example, this exercise type can be used to ask learners to order a sequence of tasks related to A/B testing a workflow.


Parsons problems are a type of code completion problem in which the learner must place blocks of correct, but mixed up, code in the correct order. In this exercise type, learners are presented with jumbled up lines of code and are expected to put them in order by dragging and dropping them onto the target zone.



  • The description of an item cannot exceed 150 characters.

  • The title cannot exceed 25 characters.

  • For "Classify" exercises, there cannot be more than three drop-zones.

  • The maximum number of items that can be used in an exercise is 6.

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