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Requesting SCT Edits

How to request SCT edits

Amy Peterson avatar
Written by Amy Peterson
Updated over 3 years ago

How to request SCT edits

If there are any changes that you would like made to the SCTs in your course, please open a GitHub issue and tag @datacamp-contentquality. The issue should contain the exercise number, step number if the exercise is multi-step, and a detailed explanation of what alternate solutions should be accepted by the SCTs or what feedback messages should be changed. For example:

Hi @datacamp-contentquality,

I would like to request edits to the following SCTs:

  • Exercise 2.3, Step 2: Variable spacing and capitalization in the plot title name should be accepted. Currently, only title = "Housing Prices" is accepted, but titles such as "housing prices" and " Housing Prices " should be accepted as well.

  • Exercise 4.7: When a learner submits avg_price = sum(prices) instead of avg_price = mean(prices), they should receive a feedback message that says, "Did you take the mean of prices?" instead of, "The contents of avg_price are incorrect."

Please let me know if you need further clarification. Thanks!

Indicators that an SCT should accept alternate answers

High number of "not-accepted-right-answer" issues

If you go to the "Issues" tab for an exercise and click "View" under the "Diff" column, you can see the code that the learner submitted and determine whether their answer is indeed correct. If their answer is correct and you would like it to be accepted, please submit a GitHub issue containing the information outlined above.

Indicators that an SCT should have more specific feedback messages

If you would like an alternate feedback message added to an SCT, please submit a GitHub issue containing the information outlined at the top of this article.

High percentage of repeated feedback messages

If you go to the "Incorrect Attempts" tab for an exercise, in the example below, you can see that of the top five incorrect submissions, four receive the same feedback message. If you click "View" under the "Diff" column, you can see the code submitted.

The first diff shows that learners are submitting temperatures.reset_index() instead of temperatures_ind.reset_index(). The second diff shows that learners are forgetting the parentheses and are submitting temperatures_ind.reset_index.

These are two fundamentally different mistakes, yet they receive the same feedback message.

This indicates that an SCT feedback message is less effective at helping the learner identify their mistake. To figure out what SCT changes to request, look at the "Incorrect Attempts" tab and view the code diffs to see what messages learners receive for various incorrect submissions.

Low % SCT Helpful metric

This indicates that fewer learners think that the SCT feedback message they received was helpful. To figure out what SCT changes to request, look at the "Incorrect Attempts" tab and view the code diffs to see what messages learners receive for various incorrect submissions.

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