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How Do I Identify Useful Feedback?
Amy Peterson avatar
Written by Amy Peterson
Updated over a week ago

Learner feedback can be a useful way to identify issues with your course beyond looking at metrics such as hint and solution rates. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of feedback. We also recommend reading this article about interpreting learner feedback.

In addition to reading what the learner wrote, take a look at their submission by viewing their diff. This can help put their feedback in context.

  • For example, oftentimes, learners will report something vague like “The hint isn’t helpful.” By viewing their submission, you can understand what exactly they are struggling with and consider whether the hint does indeed need revision.

Try to replicate the problem they describe.

  • Are learners saying that a session is crashing or the output is incorrect? Go into the course and see if this is indeed the case. This can help you understand whether the problem is as they described or something else (e.g., perhaps the output is correct, but the exercise leads learners to expect something else).

Look for multiple reports of the same problem/issue.

  • If an issue is reported multiple times, you can be more confident that there is indeed an issue.

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